October 25, 2012

View from my matt....

So I mentioned in my last novel post, I am a complete nail polish addict! I follow new collections coming out from brands like Essie, OPI, China Glaze, Chanel, Nubar and Dior.  To get the most up to date dirt on new collections, my favorite blog is Vampy Varnish. She swatches all new collections so I can get an idea of what the polish looks like on nails not just in the bottle.  Somehow she manages to get the collections before anyone else...I want to know her dealer??

Like any respectable addict,I try to find my vice at the best price and the fastest way I can get it into my hands.  Some of these collections are not available in Canada or not released yet. Ebay is a girls best friend! The price is usually cheaper and some of the sellers ship so fast I have the polish the next day.  *Joy*

Nothing beats a great pedicure while practicing yoga.  You are bent over, looking at your toes often, so why not give yourself something to look at?

This is my current view in class tonight!
sorry a little hard to see the colors :(

I call it Clown Barf or Circus Puke.  I am assuming this is why I am not a professional nail polish colour "namer". 

The original colour is Deborah Lippmann in Happy Birthday retailing close to $20 bucks!!  I challenged myself to find this little luxury cheaper!

I sourced out Milani brand polish in Gems which retails for only $5. Score!

The only thing that stops me from having a different colour and pattern on each nail is the ol' 9-5 job. Even I consider some of my colour choices unprofessional and sometimes a little tacky!! I just can't seem to help myself. I have had a shoe box full of nail polish since I was 10 years old. 

I change my own polish each week with something new so I will have lots of interesting colours to show you.

I should stop buying so much nail polish and I promise myself, every time, it will be the last bottle. Something just comes over me though and I have to have it. I think I need help :)

Namaste xo.


  1. while I am new to the toe nail polish game, I find it much easier to let someone else do my nails.....bending over without yoga is a hassle! another reason to try yoga!

  2. i am fairly new to the nail game but prefer to have someone else do my toe nails - nothing like a pedicure to make you feel relaxed. Maybe yoga can help me with the flexibility issue to help me do it myself!

  3. I do yoga and am pretty flexible...however I agree with Paula...having a pedi is the way to go.

  4. Clown Barf it is!! The gold and silver I call Fairy Spew! keep writing!

  5. You inspired to me to try yoga yesterday!! I failed. My wrist hurts a lot. :( Any suggestions on how to overcome that?

  6. Hey Sunita! I have some suggestions that I have learned so far. I hear that complaint a lot so I will do a post shortly on what suggestions I have or have been told. Thanks for reading! xo.
