December 30, 2012


My teacher told me that vulnerability was the greatest gift you could give other people.   I think it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself as well. For me, when I trust someone, I really let them see the real me...all my faults and my weaknesses.  Sometimes that has gotten me in trouble with people who I should not have trusted but for the most part it comes as second nature to me.  If I really trust someone, I will let them know my insecurities and where I feel my faults may be. I am

December 28, 2012


Awesome :)  Blogging drunk seems almost as scary as online shopping while drunk. 'Edit sober' is a very vital step not to be ignored, I am sure.
If anyone wants to read a great book about Hemingway's life from the point of view of his wife, Hadley, The Paris Wife is a great read. 

Namaste xo.

December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I wish you and your families a healthy and joyous day!

Thank you everyone who has been reading my blog since I started. You support and interest in my random thoughts and ramblings is one of the best gifts I have been given this year!

The Divine Light in me recognizes the Divine Light in you and the Divine Light in you recognizes the Divine Light within me.
Namaste xo.

December 23, 2012

Overachieving Christmas Elf...

Unfortunately Chris is working this holiday season so it is just Aston and I visiting the parents this year.  I am trying to stay positive by realizing that Christmas comes each and every year but I do miss him terribly. It's just not the same without him home for Christmas. 

Every year I want to wrap my presents all creatively but I never get the time. Chris and I are always running around from home to home visiting friends and family and the presents are usually just tossed in a birthday themed gift bag or something with, hopefully, some tissue paper. I know it may seem like a good idea but toilet paper doesn't work in place of tissue paper.  Trust me.

Any one else's Christmas gifts look like this before?
With a little more time to spare this year, I decided to spend an entire evening wrapping presents with a more natural inspired theme.  Mother Nature, while driving home on Friday night, was pretty

December 14, 2012


One part of yoga that takes a lot of practice, at least for me, is meditation. Being quiet with the mind and just being in the current moment isn’t easy for me. In training, we practice meditation each time we get together. Each class we do a different kind of mediation. One was to notice the sounds around us while we meditate. We were to acknowledge them but not dwell on them. The goal was to not get upset because they were interrupting what was supposed to be a peaceful time. We should just say 'OH a sound' and that’s the end of the thought.

Another one was to acknowledge discomfort but not getting upset and obsessed with it. Take for example, an itchy nose. This is something I get ALL the time when I try to meditate. The more I

December 12, 2012

Love Hate...

Sorry it has been a bit since my last post. As my title suggests, I am having a love hate relationship with yoga right now. I am just really confused by the training and don’t really know where I stand in my practice right now. I know that the new way is going to be so much better but I am stuck by

December 05, 2012

Chia Seeds...

I went to my friend’s charity yoga event in the summer. The total event was two hours; one hour being my friend giving an introduction to yoga and the other hour having a registered nutritionist giving us some insight how to get the most out of the meals we eat. The charity was called Biking for Bellies but they changed it to Yoga for Bellies for the event. It is a program to bring funding to school kids in the school system across the Greater Toronto School District. Some of these kids only get one meal a day and their mission is to make the most of that meal and have it extremely nutrient dense to get the most out of it.

I was really happy to support my friend in her aspiring yoga career but I also got a lot from the

December 03, 2012

Chakra Class: Crown Chakra...

Crown Chakra
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Top of Head
Element: Information
The seventh chakra is the energy center for higher spiritual information. This chakra allows you, as spirit, to know things beyond what your body could know.  When stimulated and clear, it enables one to see the truth concerning illusionary ideals, materialistic pursuits and self-limiting concepts.  It further allows one to experience continuous self-awareness and conscious detachment from personal emotions.

I was really excited for tonight's class because I knew it was the last one and I was really curious as to how