December 30, 2012


My teacher told me that vulnerability was the greatest gift you could give other people.   I think it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself as well. For me, when I trust someone, I really let them see the real me...all my faults and my weaknesses.  Sometimes that has gotten me in trouble with people who I should not have trusted but for the most part it comes as second nature to me.  If I really trust someone, I will let them know my insecurities and where I feel my faults may be. I am
 vulnerable with them as I let them in on vulnerable or sensitivities in my life. So when my teacher said it, it didn't really resonate with me as a major discovery.

One of my best girlfriends said that I was a really unique person. She said I admit my weaknesses and insecurities all the time. I tell her where I feel weak and scared and vulnerable in my life, work or relationships. I do so usually in a joking manner by poking fun of myself but she knows there is truth behind my humour. She said that I was also the only person she knew who never let any of those insecurities hold me back from achieving the life I wanted.  What she said really meant the world to me. I think by admitting I have weaknesses, it gives me the ability to really see it as something that can be fixed.

Over the holidays I had an experience with someone close to me that showed me how important it is to be vulnerable.  When my friend is vulnerable or being truthful to who he is, that is when I like him the best. When he is being fake or putting on a show I don't like him very much. It seems exactly that....fake.  I told him that I liked the vulnerable, more truthful side of him.  He told me being vulnerable is being weak. I whole heartily disagree.  I said when your vulnerable, when you let your guard down and see the real truth of who you really are, that's when you will find real power in life.  The power of seeing your weakness will give you strength to make you stronger. Power gained under false bravado and "smoke and mirrors" is just added weakness to your life.

Looks look Freud agrees with me on the vulnerability topic.

Be truthful with yourself. Be vulnerable with yourself and people close to you.  You may discover that you find strength only where you thought you saw weakness.

Namaste xo.


  1. well said! Being vulnerable can be healing if you can find the strength to get there!

  2. Great post! I am generally described as an open book and have learned where this can be good and bad. I have had negative experiences when dating. Showing vulnerability and wearing your heart on your sleeve can get it broken pretty quickly. Sometimes playing hard to get can you what you want instead. I still dont do it purposefully, because if i have to play games to win you we shouldnt be together anyways. It's been bad for me in business also. I've showed weakness to a boss who in turn used it to push me out of the company. Again though, that job was not me and I'm happy to be out of there. There are some people and some situations that it may be difficult or out of place to show vulnerability but I always find it refreshing when people are confident to just be themselves. It opens you up to have stronger relationships and stronger character.

  3. Most definately.
