April 02, 2013

Keep on Learning...

So I have one more weekend and then I am a certified Yoga teacher! I have loved this whole experience of learning. It has been so much fun to learn something new every week.

In the spirit of continually learning, I have decided to sign up for another training course to have the authority to teach yoga to seniors! I know firsthand, your quality of life can be improved by yoga asanas and who better to share that with, than seniors? To continue to have mobility through your joints, as you age, is a gift everyone deserves.

I will be studying chair yoga, arthritis relief, a little Tai Chi and gentle postures to support a healthy ageing body. I am so excited!!

There are so many little workshops I can do to expand my yoga career. I can't wait to keep learning about this beautiful way of life!

Namaste xo.

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