April 09, 2013

New Territory...

Monday is my favourite night for yoga! I think I am going to start going to Trish's 6:45 and 8:30 classes....double Trish Mondays!  I seem to not be able to make Wednesday's class so I think it’s best to start doubling up on Mondays when I am already for sure going!

 I hung out with Trish last night to chat and I asked her to show me how to do Side Crane Pose or Parsva Bakasana

I have always wanted to know how to do this pose.  I can manage regular Crane Pose but struggle with the side.  She showed me how and for the first time EVER I was able to get up! I held it for less than 1.5 seconds before crashing down but who cares right!?!? It's fun to experiment! Who cares if you fail or fall down, if you try you could succeed!   Even if you don't succeed, it is just fun to try and fail!

I am pretty excited! If I never tried, because of fear of failure, I would have never succeeded last night.  This is what I am excited about, not necessarily that I got into the pose. Trying is the real victory!!

Namaste xo.


  1. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
    --Samuel Beckett, Worstword Ho

    Well done. Love your blog.

    1. Amazing Quote!! I will share this with my students!
