November 23, 2012

New Fav Song...

This weekend is a training weekend so the posts may be a little short and sweet.
So I finally loaded up my iPod as my new car has the Mp3 player hookup in the glove box. Now I know iPods are not new to the scene but I'm pretty faithful to my CD's. I would have to say I am loving this fancy new fan-dangled technology! I have so many songs at the touch of my finger tips in a teeny tiny little package in my glove box in my car! My CD visor holder is getting a little old so the pockets are a little loose. It is nice to not have CD's flying out of those loose pockets and smacking me in the face at random times while I am driving now!

Chris downloaded the top indie tracks of 2012 for me. I tend to be slightly OCD when it comes to a new song I like. I have listened to it about 5 times just writing this post alone...not to mention my 30 minute commute twice a day. 

I heard this song after a Monday Chakra class and it totally matched my mood after that class!! 

Go on, take a listen! I would bet it will brighten your mood even if you don't like this style of music.

Namaste xo.

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