January 28, 2013

Observing: Part One...

Tonight was such an awesome experience!! As part of my training we get to observe a teachers class of our choice. We just get to sit and watch how they teach and watch how the class reacts to her words. Tonight I chose Trish, my favourite teacher at Kula!  

I learned a few things tonight that really resonated with me as a future teacher. It's OK to make jokes with your class. Have a conversation with them. You can still be centered and

January 25, 2013


My Mom bought her and I sprout trays to grow our own sprouts right in our kitchen! Nutrition factor set aside, I am excited to grow stuff inside my house! And sprouts are just so darn cute.  Cute and delicious.  I think I am the only person who thinks sprouts are cute...but that's a different post I guess.

My sprouter instructions

January 24, 2013

Touching your Toes...

I love this...just chew on it.

Namaste xo.

January 23, 2013

Cool Website...

I always notice when there is a new, latest and greatest Superfood that is hitting the market. It's all we hear about until the newest Superfood comes out.  But really, how good are these Superfoods?? Are they just marketers or "snake oil" salesmen getting together trying to make a buck??

As my other post on Chia seeds, I am sold on them, scientific facts or not. I personally like what they

January 18, 2013

Anusara Yoga...

Anusara - [a-nu-sar-a] means "to be in the flow," "flowing with grace", "the soul in the flow with the Universe," "following your heart."

If you would like to read some more on Anusara click here.

Different styles of yoga have different philosophies. Each one has a different focus and a different

January 16, 2013

Another Song I Love...

I found another song that makes my day brighter.  You know the kind? The kind that makes you sing! Dance! Makes you think that everything is all right! Ok I am getting carried away...

We're all in this togetherrrrrrrr!!!

Namaste xo.

January 12, 2013

Acro Yoga...

Holy sexy Batman! Completely and utterly beautiful...


Ummmm...nothing else I can say...

Namaste xo.

January 09, 2013

What a Pain in the @$*#!...

Wrist...pain in the wrist...what did you think I meant :)

Wrist pain is something I have been asked to write about and am constantly being told by new and seasoned Yogi's that they experience on a regular basis. It's pretty hard to continue in yoga when your wrists hurt so much.  Also one of my readers, started yoga with her husband and I know he has Carpal Tunnel syndrome so it really prompted me to write this post before they continue on their yoga journey further.

I have been waiting to write about this until I was sure I knew the answer. I have felt like I knew the

January 07, 2013

I Am Not What Happens To Me...

In my last post, I made a comment about how my back has been feeling stronger than it has in months. Well, it decided to make a liar out of me! On Friday morning, in the shower, I was reaching for the shampoo and my back totally gave out. It felt like someone drove a knife right into my spine. I put my hands on my back and moved myself upwards really fast as to not fall over. I then just stood there still, in the shower, evaluating the damage.

I associate my spine to a sleeve of saltine crackers. When it feels healthy, the packaging is all intact. All the crackers/vertebrae are all in line and protected in the confines of the packaging. When my back gives out it is as if someone took the

January 01, 2013


Happy New Year everyone!
 So lets talk about resolutions. My resolution, every single year without fail, is to get healthier and be super fit. It's a tad extreme but I think the reason that's my yearly resolution is because by early December, my relatively decent lifestyle gets tossed out the window and is replaced with a cake and wine marching band through my everyday life until New Years Eve. What is it about December? We are not